National Disability Employment Awareness Month Checklist
Hey yall! It's National Disability Employment Awareness Month all October!
In the beforetimes, 70% of reasonable accommodations were denied due to undue burden.
Covid showed that remote work was a boon and not a burden! And what would've happened had businesses already had a workforce that were comfortable in the remote work space?
Those who stay ready ain't have to get ready!
So to help you get ready, we created this checklist so you can be the inclusive employer we know you want to be! So fill out our form and you'll get your download once you click submit!
Just Some Testimonials.....
"I am learning to advocate for my kid and make virtual school accessible for him. I like the format of this Journal. I have been able to apply it all in real time! The Journal takes all these huge issues and breaks it up into understandable pieces. It is very challenging but approachable. Each day built off the next and I often found questions would linger in the back of my mind all day. This applies to all relationships across the board from parenting, my family, my friends, community. It's helped me kind of zero in where my power is and how to influence change." – Kristy
"It’s really a layered and rich process of discovery. I am only on day four but I am appreciative of what is being revealed." -Stephanie

About Luticha Doucette
Luticha André Doucette, owner of Catalyst Consulting graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in Bioinformatics where she developed protein surface prediction algorithms. After graduating, she was a Fellow at the University of Rochester where she worked in a genomics lab that focused on analyzing the venom of parasitoid wasps to develop new drug therapies for various diseases. In 2017 she authored a report on wage disparities across race, gender, and disability in Rochester and Monroe County in conjunction with the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative and in 2018 authored a follow-up report on employment barriers for disabled people in Rochester and Monroe County.
She is a graduate of the Leadership and Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Fellowship program and an AUCD Emerging Leader. She is committed to helping organizations examine equity across race, gender identity, and disability in policies, practices, procedures, and relationships.
She lives in Rochester, NY with her two cats: Luna & Callie